Here are some pics from Kristina...
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Hope you enjoy my pics!
i will add better ones & more later....

a pretty horse

2 horses eating

I am ganna have some icons on this page, this is one of my fav.

This is me!

This is my friend sally

dont you just feel like going and getting a 39 cent hamberger???

this is me again..

This is sallys eye (isnt it freaky? well she was goofing around at my house so that is why there is so many of her.)

Do you think this will ever work?

this is my neighbor brooke

I have found the black whole........

haha this is someone who most of you that know me close knows....

do what the sticker says!

Here is the other little kitten, isnt he cute!

Is this making you want to grab a mountain dew?


this is well, me again again

sweet! no words for this one.... sorry

this is one of my cats, Tigger

this is Tigger again

This is my bro's cat, Oryan

This is one of the many baby kittens

the baby kitten again....

Wiskers, my moms puppy

Isnt this confusing?

This is one of the littler kittens,

His nickname is tails up becuase he ALWAYS has his tail up...

This is me and my cat, Max

Me and Max again

This is the whole older bunch of kittens. AAWWW!!!